Thursday, November 3, 2011

Schematic, shematics...

After I have sketched the initial idea, I start working on the schematics for the pieces, keeping in mind the construction that will need to take place to get to the finished garment.    For this step I try to use graph paper so the proportions will be correct.   Each square equals so many inches (depending on how big the piece is).  I try not to skimp on space here, but still fit the major stuff on one page if I can.   I also do this part in pencil, cause I make a lot of mistakes,change my mind a lot.

After I have the diagrams laid out - I use inkscape to draw them to scale.  The drawing in inkscape will eventually be transformed into the schematic in the pattern complete with all the measurements.  Here's what the initial diagram looks like.  The graph paper doesn't show up in this view, but it's there, trust me.
I still have some decisions to make about how to construct the top/sleeve piece.  Like should I work the sleeves in the round and then switch to flat for the shoulders and neck, to avoid seaming the sleeves.  Or should the whole piece be knit flat. Also, should I knit this piece from end to end, decreasing on one end and increasing on the other, or should this be constructed in two halves (identical) and then seamed or grafted in the center back?  Hmmmm, decisions, decisions....

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