Thursday, April 8, 2010

One Small Change - April

Just realized we are well into April and I haven’t updated my challenge for the month.  Still going to be working on the felting experiments started in March and for April, I’m going to start a small kitchen garden.  My Mom is an avid gardener and has impressed on me the value of understanding from where your food comes and of being self-sufficient (even if just a little bit).  We only have a small yard and it is very shady, so I’m going to try to put a few containers on the roof deck over our sunroom. Am afraid to go all out “green roof” as I have no idea how much weight the roof will support, but I think (hope) a few containers wll be safe. Currently it is covered in a black rubber roofing product that get’s very hot in the summer, so will need to figure out some way to cover that with something lighter colored. White gravel would work, but again I’m leary of the weight issue. Plenty of white plastic bags around, but I don’t know how I’d attach them or how they would hold up.

Any ideas?

Have a little time as I’m just starting the seeds inside now.  Reusing some plastic containers that originally housed mangos as little greenhouses. 


  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog about the blanket! Your gardening is an inspiration.

  2. On the duster, it seems easier to just put one of your dad's socks over the thingmygig and hold it on with a rubber band. Just an idea from an old Virginian.

  3. Dear Old Virginian (aka Dad),

    thanks for your practical if uninventive suggestion - love you!
